lunes, 25 de enero de 2010

*********** The Science of Small Clinical Trials ***********

The Office of Rare Diseases Research at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Office of Orphan Products Development at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), are pleased to announce the 2010 edition of their collaboratively developed course, "The Science of Small Clinical Trials." This is a broad survey course (not a high-level statistical seminar), which is intended to heighten awareness of the methods that exist to design and analyze clinical trials using small numbers of participants. An inescapable necessity when dealing with rare diseases, the use of small trials is also rising in prominence in the context of tissue transplantation, advanced prosthetics, and individualized pharmacogenomics.

The first edition of the course, offered in 2009, was restricted to FDA and NIH staff. The 2010 edition of the course has been revised (based upon comments from 2009 participants), and is now open to ANYONE who wishes to register. The course comprises 7 2-hour lectures, presented at the Lister Hill Center Auditorium on the NIH campus in Bethesda, MD, rom 16 February through 8 March, 2010; the lectures will also be available online via the Internet, live and by delayed on-demand video streaming (using freely available RealPlayer software), allowing anyone with a good Internet connection and appropriate computer to participate (questions from remote attendees will be received via a live text chat room, or via a discussion forum, on a web site dedicated to the course).

ALL participants must register. An optional self-administered open-book, On-line examination will be provided at the end of the course, and individuals who pass this examination will receive a certificate from FDA's Office of Orphan Products Development.

For more information about the course, and online registration, visit: ttp://

R.P.C. Rodgers, MD (CAPT,USPHS)
Office of Orphan Products Development,
FDA 5600 Fishers Lane(HF-35)
Rockville MD 20859
301-827-0142 (Phone)
301-827-0017 (Fax)

Stephen C. Groft, Pharm. D.
Director, Office of Rare Diseases Research,
NIH 6100 Executive Boulevard,
Room 3A-07 Bethesda,
MD 20892-7518
301-435-6041 (Phone)
301-480-9655 (Fax)

Individuals with disabilities who need Sign Language Interpreters and/or reasonable accommodation to participate in this event should contact Chris Griffin, ORDR, (301) 496-0266 and/or the Federal Relay, (1-800-877-8339).

Requests should be made at least 5 days in advance of the event.

The Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) is a global programme of scientific collaboration established in 1975, sponsored by the United Nations Children's Fund, United Nations Development Programme, World Bank and World Health Organization (WHO), and administered by WHO in Geneva, Switzerland. Its focus is on working with institutions in low and middle income countries on research into neglected diseases of the poor, with the goal of improving existing approaches and developing new ways to prevent, diagnose, treat and control these diseases.

For more information, visit:

To share news with the TDR community,

JC Teacher

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